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Ristorante Le torri Monteriggioni Monteriggioni


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
Photo Views: 7
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Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 12 May 2021

Along the Cassia regional road from Florence to Siena, among vines, olives and the typical cypresses also sung by the great poet Carducci; past the village of Poggibonsi, ten km before Siena, the splendid 13th century castle of Monteriggioni appears on a hill. Inside the walls of the Monteriggioni fortification where for 50 years there was the Il Pozzo restaurant, closed in 2018, there is now the restaurant Le Torri. The typical Tuscan setting has been updated making it a little more elegant. The... More

Recommended in Monteriggioni


Piazza Roma, 21, 53034 Monteriggioni SI, Italy


Temporarily Closed


+39 0577 920862

