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Paris House Milton Bryan


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
Photo Views: 4
Restaurant Views: 881
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Phil Fanning


Modern Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 17 Dec 2015

This is my second visit to Paris House and this time it was the Festive 6 course lunch that was to be done in order to treat two colleagues (and myself!). Once again I was in fine hands here and getting straight in to it, I thought the focaccia, salted bread with buerre noisette butter was among the nicest I have ever had in my life. I know that buttered anything is never going to be in danger of not earning pleasure points but the smooth, creamy, light and almost velvety texture and flavour... More


Woburn Park, Woburn, Bedford MK17 9QP, UK


Open hours


+44 (1525) 290 692

