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The Plough Inn Middleton


Average rating from 1 meal 9 / 10
Photo Views: 24
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Foodle Reviews

9 / 10
on 02 Jun 2014

Another Great British Menu victor and only 15 minutes from my Army Headquarters where I had to be in and around my Birthday so I was very lucky to be taken here by my Boss at the time who was legendarily generous. The pork scratchings at the beginning with cider puree dip were lovely and had the texture and feel of quaver crisps but infinitely nicer. The main purpose for the visit was to have the veal sweetbreads with beans on toast twist, which I have to say was as luxurious as it looked.... More


B3048, Longparish, Andover SP11 6PB, UK


Open hours


+44 1264 720350