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The Harrow at Little Bedwyn Marlborough


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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Regional cuisine Cuisine


Roger Jones

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 27 Feb 2017

As I was travelling nearby at lunchtime, this was the perfect stop off to jump in to try and is virtually equadistant to Swindon, Tidworth, Andover and Upavon if you happen to have work stations near these locations. It is a refurbished Inn and caters very well for notable lunches and dinners alike for the surrounding villages and areas but the chances are you will need either a generous friend to drive or an advance-booked taxi, owing to its slightly out of the way location. Once there, I found... More

Recommended in Marlborough


High Street, Little Bedwyn, Marlborough SN8 3JP, UK


Permanently Closed


+44 (1672) 87 08 71

