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Coombeshead Farm Lewannick


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
Photo Views: 27
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Tom Adams


Country cooking

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 27 Sep 2018

Fäviken meets Cornwall.

Tom Adams, who made his name with a food truck on the South Bank in London, ventured with April Bloomfield from NYC, to create this oasis in the Cornwall, where there is no mobile phone connection.
There he converted a former pig farm into a farm-to-table restaurant which doubles up as a bakery in the morning and has a 5 bed room B&B attached.
The whole experience has a Zen like to it, you wander through the massive garden and overlook the pastures, stroll over to the... More


Lewannick, Launceston PL15 7QQ, UK


+44 1566 782009

