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The Wild Rabbit Kingham


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
Photo Views: 10
Restaurant Views: 1,381
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Tim Allen


Modern British

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 04 Oct 2016

I was immediately taken by this place and there is no question that aesthetically it is possibly the most beautifully refurbished gastro pub / Inn in the whole country. The Cotswold stone and log fires in the bar, restaurant and even outside rear patio make it beautifully picturesque which is why I have also placed this in the best view category as well (i.e. the view of the oustside rear area). As The Wild Rabbit (from the Bamford family) has gained its first Michelin star (2017) it now has... More


Church St, Kingham, Chipping Norton OX7 6YA, UK


+44 (1608) 658 389

