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Morston Hall Holt


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Galton Blackiston


Modern British

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 28 Jan 2017

Moreston Hall struck me as a very pleasant place and a lot more so in the flesh compared with prior scans on the web. The tasting meny option only for a Saturday night was had by all of the diners, most of whom were staying and this was the part I wasn’t expecting, i.e. all tables were served the same course at all times – a fair whack for a kitchen but makes sense ultimately if the one menu is to be had by all. The dishes here were consistently pleasing and the obvious efforts that had... More

Recommended in Holt


The St, Holt NR25 7AA, UK


+44 (1263) 74 10 41

