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The Yorke Arms Harrogate


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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modern classic Cuisine


Frances Atkins

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 07 Jan 2017

The Yoke Arms dominates a small village green within Pately Bridge and has a country-grand feel on the inside and outside. This is softended by the very caring service and I had a warming experience here. Flavours were judged well with little treats here and there that raised a smile and it was frankly a very nice to be. Frances Atkins even kindly gave time to have a chat and once again was a genuine pleasure to meet the architect. Thr turbot was definitely the king of this meal as well... More

Recommended in Harrogate


Ramsgill-in-Nidderdale, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate HG3 5RL, UK


+44 (1423) 75 52 43

