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Gonerby Social Club Great Gonerby


Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
on 25 Nov 2016

Uniquely set in a house with no more than 3 tables and hand-written menus this was a charming venue to try in the finest of company. The owners have been running their dining room for the past twenty eight and a half years (as at Nov 16) with husband Harry in the kitchen and wife Caroline in front of house, both naturally suited in their elements. Unique and pleasant but it did seem very expensive for what was had at the same time.

Homely and charming as it was, the summary for me is that the... More


17 High St, Great Gonerby, Grantham NG31 8JS, UK


Open hours


+44 1476 564348