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Lewis's Bistro Grasmere


Average rating from 1 meal 1 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

1 / 10
on 06 Aug 2024

A catalogue of serious mistakes:
1. Sea bass with 10 pieces of chilli
2. Packaging served up in the vegetables
3. Incorrectly trying to charge £103 instead of £62
4. Disrespect to the customer: "don't bother coming back"

1. What capable chef would put 10 slices of chilli with seeds in a fish dish? Sea bass has a delicate flavour which is absolutely destroyed by even one mouthful of chilli

2. Serving the vegetable cardboard packing "punch outs" with the vegetables shows a complete lack... More

Recommended in Grasmere


Broadgate, Grasmere LA22 9TB, UK


Open hours


+44 15394 35266

