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Hostaria Ducale Genoa


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Restaurant Views: 825
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Modern Cuisine, Creative

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 13 Jul 2021

A little hidden in a narrow street in the center of Genoa a few steps from the Carlo Felice theater and the Palazzo Ducale, you can find this elegant but not pretentious restaurant. It does not appear in the most famous guides yet, but I don't think I'm wrong if I say that it will certainly be there soon. If you visit Genoa you cannot fail to go there. Otherwise go there anyway, it's worth the trip! Chef Davide Cannavino offers two tasting menus, 5 and 8 courses. I chose from the à la carte menu.... More

Recommended in Genoa


Salita di S. Matteo, 29/R, 16123 Genova GE, Italy


Open hours


+39 010 455 2857

