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Average rating from 1 meal 3 / 10
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Foodle Reviews

on 10 Jul 2017

Collection of mini sweet patisseries also served on a tiered stand in the shape of the Burj Al Arab ?
Skyview Bar, Dubai (Feb 2017)

3 / 10
on 21 Apr 2013

No matter what the occasion, it will be very difficult not to make it even more pleasant with the views and setting that the Burj Al Arab’s top floor Skyview Bar offers. Overlooking the great Palm and the Arabian Sea it’s best to come here during the daylight to maximise the experience. That really is its trump card because unfortunately there is quite a bit that one can say why it is slightly overated. The £114 per person for afternoon tea would have been acceptable if the food was at... More

Recommended in Dubai


27th floor, Burj Al Arab, Jumeirah Beach Road - دبي - United Arab Emirates


Open hours


+971 4 301 7600

