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Punch Bowl Inn Crosthwaite


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
Photo Views: 25
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Modern British

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 02 Jul 2016

I am now not a stranger to The Punch Bowl in Crosthwaite however, this was a special visit in the circumstances it was and the fact that this meal was followed by a stay over at the Inn itself. The food on this occasion included old classics such as the cheese soufflé and the sirloin steak with wonderful garlic butter as the sauce, which was actually a welcome change from my usual vat of béarnaise sauce to accompany any steak that I have.

The black pudding with egg and chutney was very pleasant... More


Crosthwaite, Lyth Valley LA8 8HR, UK


+44 15395 68237

