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Average rating from 2 meals 7 / 10
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Restaurant Views: 865
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Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
on 22 Mar 2015

The Brasserie is set just beside Lucknam Park Hotel’s Spa facilities which is why some guests coming here just for lunch may see some guests at the bar end in their white dressing gowns. The log fire, open kitchen, breezy feel and natural, conservatory light all produce a feeling that cannot fail to please and the all day dining menu has numerous value for money options including tapas style dishes (3 for £20), set lunches at 3 courses for £22, traditional roast specials on Sunday lunch and... More

8 / 10
on 21 Mar 2015

Although Lucknam Park sits in Wiltshire, the estate is just over 6 miles from Bath, set in the lovely landscape of Colerne. The Park is the main dining room of Lucknam Park Hotel and its elegant interior is as charming as the service. The restaurant and its food is stylish whilst not too OTT, making it a wonderful place to be for any treats or celebration contexts, particularly if one stayed over which, would frankly be a sin not to do if one was going to enjoy the food here. The stay... More

Recommended in Colerne


Colerne, Chippenham SN14 8AZ, UK


+44 1225 742777

