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Brampton Mill Huntingdon Brampton


Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
Photo Views: 1
Restaurant Views: 861
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Foodle Reviews

6 / 10
on 06 May 2016

Ever since I was shown here several weeks ago I have wanted to come back and try properly. On a spare, late afternoon I was very pleased to be able to do so in lieu of missing lunch. The first thing to note however, is how utterly picturesque it is with a entire range of options for dining al fresco in the front or rear gardens, both with water views and a wonderful setting. You simply woudn’t know about this place unless someone had highlighted to you as the advertised turning off the main... More


Bromholme Ln, Brampton, Huntingdon PE28 4NE, UK


Open hours


+44 1480 459758

