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Restaurante Cozinha da Sé, Lda Braga


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The new Kitchen of the See It's not that these stops are strange to you, after all, the Kitchen of the See is 20 years old and knows the neighbourhood like no other, but now it's different. Ricardo Monteiro Pereira, its owner and manager 12 ago, wanted to give him a new house in the building of the Chalet of Three Corners and made it so beautiful, that it is impossible for us to pass without casting a curious look at it. While the wine is talking to the shelves, the usual flavours arrive at the table: the Octopus Fillets with Rice of Grelos, the Monkfish Rice, the Cod Tibornada, or the Lombinho with Apple Puree and Chestnuts. In the back a terrace with perfume the orange blossom, while inside the doors open from pair to pair and show an infinite blue. And the end of the afternoon is gaining new charm to the sound of the bells of the See.

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R. Dom Frei Caetano Brandão 129, 4700-031 Braga, Portugal


Open hours


+351 253 277 343

