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West House Biddenden


Average rating from 1 meal 9 / 10
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Graham Garrett, Tony Parkin


Modern British

Foodle Reviews

9 / 10
on 14 May 2017

This is a good place to visit, no question. I loved the cosy interior, the charm of the old building and the fact that the food packed the punch that it did on top of being unpretentious. There were some lovely moments here and the food is very much in the same style as one my ultimate places for food, The Sportsman in Whitstable – superb and simple use of wonderful ingredients. I found the menu at The West House particularly reasonable as was the matching wines and when the overall effect... More

Recommended in Biddenden


28 High St, Biddenden, Ashford TN27 8AH, UK


Open hours


+44 (1580) 29 13 41

