Dinner at Central Restaurante

Dinner at Central Restaurante

at Central on 8 July 2019
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Sea Coral (-10m): Octopus, crab, squid, sea lettuce

High Andes Mountains (4100m): Pork belly, yellow mashwa, kaniwa

Humid Green (3700m): Caigua, cushuro, sweet lemon, chaco clay

Amazonian White (400m): Cacao, chirimoya, bahuaja nut, taperiba

Medicinals and Plant Dyes (3050m): Congona, matico, pilipili
Central Restaurante, Lima (Feb 2018)
#visitperu #centralrestaurante #worlds50best

Sea Coral (-10m): Octopus, crab, squid, sea lettuce

High Andes Mountains (4100m): Pork belly, yellow mashwa, kaniwa

Humid Green (3700m): Caigua, cushuro, sweet lemon, chaco clay

Amazonian White (400m): Cacao, chirimoya, bahuaja nut, taperiba

Medicinals and Plant Dyes (3050m): Congona, matico, pilipili
Central Restaurante, Lima (Feb 2018)
#visitperu #centralrestaurante #worlds50best

Waters of Nanay (450m): Piranhas (skin), cocona, achiote, huampo bark

Forest Cotton (300m): Pacae, river shrimp, Llanten, huito

High Jungle (1900m): Air potato

High Jungle (1900m): Cassava

High Jungle (1900m): Macambo

Marine Soil (0m): Sea urchin, pepino melon, razor clam, seaweed

Tree Points (1200m): Avocado, kiwicha, arracacha, lake algae

Land of Corn (2010m): Kculli, purple, chulpi, piscorunto

Amazonian Plain (600m): Churo, cecina, black chili pepper, bellaco
Central Restaurante, Lima (Feb 2018)
#visitperu #centralrestaurante #worlds50best

Rock Molluscs (-10m): Sea snail, mussel, sargassum, limpet

Desert Plants (180m): Huarango

Desert Plants (180m): Sweet potato leaf

Desert Plants (180m): Loche

Lofty Andes (3900m): Potato, tree tomato, alpaca, muña mint

Thick Stems (3400m): Chincho, onion, field mustard

Thick Stems (3400m): Olluco

Waters of Nanay (450m): Piranhas (filet), cocona, achiote, huampo bark
Central Restaurante, Lima (Feb 2018)
#visitperu #centralrestaurante #worlds50best

It's been 4 years since we last visited Chef Virgilio Martínez' Central Restaurante in Lima, currently #5 on the World's 50 Best and featured on Netflix's Chef's Table. Today, it has transformed into one of the must-visit gastronomic dining destinations of the world. The entire meal takes a diner on a journey through various flavors and ingredients drawn from different altitudes (-10m below sea level to 4100m) in Peru. The tasting menu is a reflection of Martínez and his sister’s research into ingredients in the Andes, the Amazon, and the sea. Overall, a very interesting meal full of flavors we've never experienced or heard of before.
Central Restaurante, Lima (Feb 2018)
#visitperu #centralrestaurante #worlds50best