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Do Miso (ど・みそ 京橋本店) Tokyo


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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Tokyo Style Miso

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 30 Jun 2020

Recommended bowl: Tokyo-style miso

The master of Do Miso, Kenji Saitou, spent a decade working as a systems engineer before breaking from the salaryman life to pursue his passion for ramen. He spent eight months apprenticing before launching his own shop. Do Miso is now one of the most prominent miso ramen brands in Tokyo. According to staff, the 'Do' in the shop name is short for 'dokonjou,' a Japanese word meaning grit and perseverance. Miso determination indeed.

Do Miso describes its bowl... More

Recommended in Tokyo


3-chōme-4-3 Kyōbashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0031, Japan


Open hours


+81 03-6904-3700

