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Sichuan Restaurant Kyo Ki Tokyo


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Foodle Reviews

on 05 Jul 2023

特製つけ麺 / Tokusei Tsukemen / Chonan Hosono Takashi — Ekoda, Tokyo

Rich tonkotsu gyokai tsukemen uses a double soup of pork bones and dried fish. Medium-thick noodles by Asakusa Kaikarou. Topped with pork belly and shoulder chashu, ajitama, menma and nori. Yakumi condiments include negi, yuzu koshō and ume katsuo.

Chonan Hosono Takashi is the sister store of Chonan Montaichio, located in Yawata, Chiba. The master trained at the famous ramen shops Tsukemen Michi, Kameido Niboshi Chūka... More

Recommended in Tokyo


1-chōme-76-76-8 Asahigaoka, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0005, Japan


Open hours


+81 3-5906-5889