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Ramen Jiro Sengawa (ラーメン二郎 仙川店) Tokyo


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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Jiro Style

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 31 Oct 2020

Recommended bowl: 3rd Jiro Branch

The third Jiro branch to open after Mita Honten and Meguro, in business since 1995. Standard Jiro style ramen comes with a shoyu-tonkotsu soup, pork fat, and the optional garlic, veggies karame (tare sauce drizzle) or abura (fat). Noodles are house-made on the customary Ebisu noodle machine, cut thick and served slightly al dente. The master trained at the Ramen Jiro Mita Honten under original master Yamada-san. Children are not allowed in the shop.

Recommended in Tokyo


Japan, 〒182-0002 Tokyo, Chofu, Sengawachō, 1-chōme−10−17


Open hours


+81 3-3326-0311

