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Dairyuken Ebisu Tokyo


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Foodle Reviews

on 17 Jul 2024

海老ちゃんタン麺 / Ebi Chan Tanmen / Ebisu Dairyuken — Ebisu, Tokyo

Tanmen style soup is made from pork bones and chicken stock, with small shrimp simmered in the soup to add flavor. The vegetable toppings (cabbage, onions and bean sprouts) are lightly stir-fried in a wok and then cooked along with the soup for about 30 seconds before being served. Noodles are provided by Mikawaya Seimen. Each bowl is said to be topped with about 25 shrimp, along with dried shrimp and black pepper. A... More

Recommended in Tokyo


2-chōme-3-15 Ebisuminami, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0022, Japan


Open hours


+81 3-5725-1030