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Parlor Mimi (パーラー美々) Taketomi


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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Okinawa Soba

Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 28 Aug 2018

Recommended bowl: Mango farmers

The owners of this roadside shop are mango farmers, so the hours of the shop sometimes vary according to the fruit season and whether there is farm work to be done. The main menu item is Yaeyama soki soba, with an add-on option for sparerib w/ cartilage attached. The soup contains pork, chicken, katsuo and five types of local vegetables. The noodles are supplied by one of the two existing noodle makers on nearby Ishigaki Island. Fresh mango juice and sometimes fresh... More

Recommended in Taketomi


Uehara, Taketomi, Yaeyama District, Okinawa 907-1541, Japan


Open hours

