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Average rating from 1 meal 9 / 10
Photo Views: 65
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Modern Cuisine, Danish

Foodle Reviews

9 / 10
on 02 Jul 2022

Syttende, which opened in 2019 and fully booked since then, is located on the 17th floor of the highest building in Sønderborg. How Danfoss, the company behind this development managed to get an exception to the regulation that no building should be taller than the Church is unclear to me. Maybe their offer to create a public platform on the 16th floor might have helped. Anyway, the building in itself is a technical marvel that set a new standard for energy-efficient building operation. It is also... More


Nørre Havnegade 25, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark


Open hours


+45 74 203000

