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Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
Photo Views: 315
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Foodle Reviews

on 01 Sep 2019

Glow in the dark. Universe - Proton-Neutron: Peach and white currant

Time - Past-Future: Birch bast, condensed milk

Union - Unreal-Real: Black Caviar, white chocolate
Chef’s Table by Grand Cuisine, Moscow (Aug 2019)
#visitmoscow #whiterabbit #chefstablebygrandcuisine

8 / 10
on 19 Jul 2019

3rd and last act of the Vladimir Mukhin day in Moscow. In the same building where White Rabbit is houses, on the ground floor there is the lab, where VM and his fellow Chef alternate cooking for a small group of people. `
It sourced from the same suppliers then the WB restaurant, but executed by 6 Chefs in a more experimental way.
All dishes are well executed and very tasty. Some of the them like the sea urchin with caviar, potatoes and tangerines outstanding.
Great day and большое спасибо... More

Recommended in Moscow


Smolenskaya Square, 3, Moskva, Russia, 121099


Open hours


+7 495 799-13-52

