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La Maison des Bois Manigod


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
Photo Views: 548
Restaurant Views: 2,011
1 user has this restaurant in his Top list
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Innovative Cuisine, French


Marc Veyrat

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
Top list
on 28 Jun 2018

The Master is at it again. After a ski accident and a fire which destroyed the house of his birth, he wanted to know it again.
So he built a little village on top of a mountain pass in the Alps, surrounded by gardens where he grows herbs.
His kitchen is less sophisticated than in Annecy and the portions designed to satisfied hard working locals.
The location is for sure now very exposed but beautiful with vistas to mountains kilometres away,
The food however is lacking and not really up to a 3... More

Recommended in Manigod


Col de la Croix-Fry, 74230 Manigod, France


+33 450 600000

