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Ramen Jiro Maebashi Chiyoda-machi Maebashi


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Foodle Reviews

on 23 Jun 2021

小ラーメン / Shō Ramen / Ramen Jiro - Maebashi Chiyoda-machi, Gunma

Emulsified tonkotsu-shoyu soup, noodles house-made on an Ebisu brand noodle machine. Bean sprouts, cabbage, pork chashu, back fat, chopped garlic. No photos other than the ramen allowed inside the shop. The master trained at Ramen Jiro Yaenkaido and Ramen Jiro Koganei. The 3rd Jiro branch to open in the Kita-Kantō area and first in Gunma Prefecture. Since October 2019.


4-chōme-12-3 Chiyodamachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0022, Japan


Open hours

