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Average rating from 1 meal 5 / 10
Photo Views: 72
Restaurant Views: 1,216
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Foodle Reviews

5 / 10
on 08 Oct 2018

The Marienlyst Strandhotel is a huge hotel right on the ocean. It can feed hundreds of people at the same time. But Chef Casper Stuhe Sobcyk has carved out a small spot where he can indulge in some fine-dining the way he would like to do it.

A very interesting menu, highly ambitious but with some small faults in the execution.
I was really looking forward to eat the famous butter-aged beef. The flavour was excellent, however I think that the beef itself was not as good as it could have been. I... More

Recommended in Helsingør


Nordre Strandvej 2A, 3000 Helsingør, Denmark


+45 49 21 40 00

