Dinner at L'Ambroisie

Dinner at L'Ambroisie

at L'Ambroisie on 8 December 2022
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Pomme de ris de veau braisée à la financière, ravioles de ricotta à la sauge
Fromages frais et affinés
Some say that if you are planning to visit Paris’s temples of gastronomy then ⭐️⭐️⭐️ L’Ambroisie should be at the top of your list. If you are looking to be terrorised by the snootiest of snooty French waiters or the brutally priced wine list (€40 is the least you’ll pay for a glass of white), or if you enjoy trying to decide between the €110 langoustine dish or the €190 sole from the a la carte only menu, then this is the restaurant for you.
I’m being extremely facetious. Apologies. I know that there are some people, that I have huge respect for, that are reading this and love this restaurant. People with infinitely better taste than me. I appreciate classical cooking at an extremely high level, as you’ll be fed here, but it really doesn’t excite me at all. And when I’m paying a lot of money for a meal, I want to be excited by the food. I want to be made to feel welcome and comfortable in the dining room and I want to not have to worry about being able to afford the cab home. It’s all delicious and expertly cooked, but how about those veal brains at Clown Bar?! That’s exciting food, and I think if they had served that dish at L’Ambroisie and charged me €100 for it then I’d have camped outside and demanded they let me in to try it again the following lunch service. But hey, it’s all subjective right?
Michelin Guide - ⭐️⭐️⭐️
OAD - 9 (classical list)
W50B -
Best Chef Awards -
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