Dinner at Praia no Parque

Dinner at Praia no Parque

at Praia no Parque on 22 April 2021
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As restaurants start to open again I get the chance to finally appreciate the much talked about sushi by @lucasazevedorj @praianoparque and it tasted heavenly. A sequence of Akami, Chutoro, Toro, Mackerel and Snapper niguiris, grilled fish sperm, wild asparagus 3 ways, Greater amberjack and umeboshi, Tuna belly sashimi, grilled eel, Toro and caviar temaki...good things come to those who wait

As restaurants start to open again I get the chance to finally appreciate the much talked about sushi by @lucasazevedorj @praianoparque and it tasted heavenly. A sequence of Akami, Chutoro, Toro, Mackerel and Snapper niguiris, grilled fish sperm, wild asparagus 3 ways, Greater amberjack and umeboshi, Tuna belly sashimi, grilled eel, Toro and caviar temaki...good things come to those who wait