Sticks of chicken at Toritama

Sticks of chicken at Toritama

at Toritama on 9 May 2024
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Another visit to one of the best yakitori joints in Hong Kong. They do have a number of unusual parts so I always make sure I take advantage of it.

Full account of dinner is on my blog here:

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Grilled corn (焼きコーン)

Chicken crown (かんむり)

Chicken crown (かんむり)

Achilles tendon (アキレス腱)

Chicken oysters (ソリレース)

Small onion (ペコ玉)

Esophagus (さえずり)

Calf muscle (とうがらし)

Rib meat (えんがわ)

Pork belly (豚カルビ)

Whole neck (とっくり)

Fried tofu stuffed with Raclette cheese (ラクレットチーズのいなり焼)

Fried tofu stuffed with Raclette cheese (ラクレットチーズのいなり焼)