Lunch in a village by the shore

Lunch in a village by the shore

at Là-Haut on 19 October 2019
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Lunch in a small village by Lake Geneva, with good views of the lake and the mountains on the southern side. Game season meant there was a lot of interesting stuff that isn't normally on the menu.

Full account of lunch is here:

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cucumber, verbena, and lemon

Suprême de perdreau cuit au sel et laqué au balsamique de pomme. Crémeux de champignons, cuisse confite et café. Salade végétale à l'huile de chardon

partridge breast - pretty raw

panna cotta stuffed with foie gras mousse

Mille-feuille de colraves et baies de Timut et pistaches d'Iran. Glace de boudin et jus aux baie de cannelier

barb and lobster, with fennel and verjus emulsion

Filet de chevreuil au sapin et chanterelles d'automne. Cônes de céleri fumé, pomme et coing

bits of chopped roe along with some brunoise of celeriac inside the cone made of celeriac,

Fraîcheur de yuzu et thé vert

Carré praliné aux noisettes du Piémont et mandarine