Dinner at Les Amis

Dinner at Les Amis

with Peter Chang and Nicholas Malcomson at Les Amis on 30 November 2019
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I have been to Les Amis in April of the year. However, since they got the third star and following my rules I had to go back. With great excitement as my lunch there in April had been very good. Unfortunately, not this time. Overall it was a very disappointing meal.
The dishes ranged from just boring to badly executed. Sensing that the meal is falling apart they sent out an extra course, Cèpes, did not help much. For example the slightly overcooked sea-bass was served in a grape jus sauce. Apart from the execution error, the combination of flavours did absolutely not work, a completely useless course.
So sorry to be at Les Amis on a complete off day. Luckily I have dear memories from 2 other great meals there.

4 / 10