Dinner at Nihonryourifuji (日本料理FUJI)

Dinner at Nihonryourifuji (日本料理FUJI)

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Fuji continues to impress. This meal was sourced by foraging in the early morning in the mountains behind Shizuoka and then buying interesting fish at the market in Yaizu (焼津市).
The ebi, killed in front of us, was still twitching when we had it on the plate. They were just gently heated and then served raw, but just slightly warm.
The ika was cut in two ways, softening the texture and releasing all the sweetness there is.
The dashi, made out of two different tunas, maguro and katsuo, with three year old kombu was a masterpiece of subtle concentration. The hanadai, a fish I don’t recall ever eating before, had a very smooth texture and released loads of umami.
His rice gets served as shiro gohan and topped with various condiments. This time it was aji and sakura ebi with the second serving of the latter karasuma added.
What a place! And price wise a steal.

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