Dinner at Sushi Miyakawa (すし 宮川)

Dinner at Sushi Miyakawa (すし 宮川)

at Sushi Miyakawa (すし宮川) on 27 October 2019
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2nd visit to the three star sushiya. Chef Miyakawa produces outstanding otsumami starting with delightful soup with shirako. the journey continues with various sashimis, one of the them a double tuna from an animal of 149kg and another layer of a baby tune of 16kg. Interesting and very tasteful contrast and combination. For me the highlight of this section was the awari (Abalone) with a texture and taste which is hard to beat.

The is mildly seasoned, the size just right and airy. His betas are seasoned up to 2 weeks which gives the great umami flavour.

Wonderful place to come, besides excellent food you get a great interaction with a very pleasant and humble professional at the height of his abilities.

9 / 10