Dinner at The Chefs table at Brooklyn Fare

Dinner at The Chefs table at Brooklyn Fare

at Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare on 21 April 2021
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🇺🇸 DC • April 2021
‘wtf moment’ ~ moment when you eat or drink something that is so good that your internal nervous system paralyzes and the only words your body can articulate are ‘wtf’ just happened here, this is followed by a moment of denial where you don’t believe that this just happened, finally arriving at the moment of enjoyment where you realized you just had one of the best bites ever.
Aji • seaweed • white onion marmalade @chefstableatbf 🌟🌟🌟

🇺🇸 DC • April 2021
‘wtf moment’ ~ moment when you eat or drink something that is so good that your internal nervous system paralyzes and the only words your body can articulate are ‘wtf’ just happened here, this is followed by a moment of denial where you don’t believe that this just happened, finally arriving at the moment of enjoyment where you realized you just had one of the best bites ever.
Aji • seaweed • white onion marmalade @chefstableatbf 🌟🌟🌟