Dinner at Sushisugaya (鮨 すが弥)

Dinner at Sushisugaya (鮨 すが弥)

at Sugaya (すが弥) on 6 February 2022
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Highly rated and hard to book sushi restaurant. Otsumami are highly seasoned and served in unusually shapes like a maguro cube which you are supposed to eat in one bit.
The shari is al dente and highly acidic which suits the choice of neta. I wish there was less emphasis on tuna cuts, even though one was especially interesting and good. A maguro cut high up at the back, close to the fin. A slightly tenser texture but fully of umami, an excellent piece. The double decker uni was serve with different temperature which released umami at different times as the red uni needed to be warmed up in the mouth before doing so. Delicious.
The sake collection is big and the recommend ones were very good pairings.

7 / 10