Dinner at Noda 絆

Dinner at Noda 絆

at Noda on 23 February 2018
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Eryngii mushroom crisps & portobello mushrooms surinagashi soup @noda.nyc

Yuzukosho and shiso and gin @noda.nyc

Egg custard (with sweet shrimp and honey) & Hokkaido uni preserved in sea water & osetra caviar @noda.nyc

Buri loin (aged 1 week) and belly (aged 5 days) from ishikawa prefecture @noda.nyc

Saba zushi from kanagawa prefecture @noda.nyc

Grilled hokkaido scallop & nori @noda.nyc

Boston monkfish liver & yuzu & soy & wasabi @noda.nyc

Bonito from saga & spring onion and ginger @noda.nyc

Nodoguro from Nagasaki steamed in papillote and then simmered in sake broth @noda.nyc

Wakame seaweed from Hokkaido & ponzu @noda.nyc

Hira-suzuki (barramundi) from Nagasaki @noda.nyc

Kinmedai from Chiba @noda.nyc

Shigeyuki Tsunoda @noda.nyc

Shiroebi from Toyama @noda.nyc

Isaki (grunt fish) from fukuoka @noda.nyc

Akami from kouchi @noda.nyc

Chutoro from kouchi @noda.nyc

Otoro from kouchi @noda.nyc

Kamasu (baracuda) @noda.nyc

Red miso soup @noda.nyc

Hokkaido uni @noda.nyc

Maine bafun uni @noda.nyc

55 seconds kuruma ebi from fukuoka @noda.nyc

Tuna hang roll @noda.nyc

Tamagoyaki with shiro ebi @noda.nyc

Amaou strawberry & matcha panna cotta & wasanbon sugar ice cream @noda.nyc

for all your Japanese whiskey needs.. @noda.nyc