Meal at The Big Easy

Meal at The Big Easy

at Big Easy on 29 May 2015
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An Amerian diner’s haven that did not fail to have a pulse through the atmosphere and was a really fun place to be. The bar was impressive in it’s own right(!) and was great to have an informal food occasion. The food itself was good old fashioned diner products that were purely a comfort and nice to try their home-made BBQ sauce which sits proudly on each table. As it was a busy and loud environment you will need to push quite hard to get the attention of the staff and be prepared to walk through a myriad of basement corridoors to get to the toilet. All in all, this was good to try, but I include this as a text book example of how £50 per person can be spent – here, with this gelatenous and deep fried comfort food, or at the same price with wine at Michelin starred The Crown. Not really a difficult choice for me how that £50 can rather be spent when it comes to food.

Food Grade: 39%

4 / 10

Maple bacon

Voodoo shrimp


Hush puppies

Popcorn shrimp

Pork ribs

Smoked brisket, pulled pork and chicken

The bill for 3