Meal at The Waterside Inn

Meal at The Waterside Inn

at Waterside Inn on 8 August 2013
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A lovely treat to be able to come here during the summer and was superb to enjoy everything on the terrace and inside with the frontage doors open on this occasion. The tasting menu on this occasion was another lovely show, but yet again, only so so on the richter-happy scale. The meal was clean-cut, well presented and entirely pleasing but I have had better tasting menus at many 1 Michelin starred venues and so, for the price, one is basically paying for the brand and alluring view / venue here. I don’t think I need to hurry to return but it would be nice to take the future Mrs B here when the time comes – that is pretty much the sort of venue it is.

Food Grade: 77%

8 / 10

Amuse bouche

View from terrace at pre-drinks

Our waiter


Foie gras


Asparagus & egg

Asparagus & egg



View from table

Rose petal sorbet

Almond desserts

Rasberry soufflé

View from pier

Tea & petits fours

Lovely finish on the pier

Amuse bouche

Mini steak taratre


Foie gras terrine

Seafood cake & mash


Goose with bread sauce

Mini Christmas cake

Christmas dessert

Petits fours

With Alain Roux

View from river bank

Waterside Inn pier

Amuse bouche

Foie gras & orange

Turbot with cream sauce

Lobster with schezwan ginger

Lobster with schezwan ginger close up

Interior view

Lime sorbet

Lamb with sauce paloise

Lost in happiness

Apple cake and snow

Dessert medley

Petits fours


View from riverside table