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Courtier - Weissenhaus Grand Village Resort und Spa Wangels


Average rating from 1 meal 9 / 10
Photo Views: 15
Restaurant Views: 1,283
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Christian Scharrer


Creative, Classic Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

9 / 10
Top list
on 17 Apr 2019

Courtier - the two star michelin resturant is placed at the luxury retreat Weissehaus in north Germany.
We had a couple of days for ourselves and wanted to threat ourselves to something extraordinary, and that we got.

Service is a funny thing, often less is more. Often it is the very nice experience where what you need is presented and then you do not see service, only to explain what is presented before you.
Sometimes service is someone that is just genuinely seems friendly and interested in... More

Recommended in Wangels


Parkallee 1, 23758 Wangels, Germany


Open hours


+49 (4382) 926 20

