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Pelmenya Saint Petersburg


Average rating from 1 meal 5 / 10
Photo Views: 35
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Foodle Reviews

on 06 Sep 2019

A very traditional Russian staple – pelmeni (dumplings). A great place to try it in Saint Petersburg is Pelmenya, where all of the dumplings are freshly handmade. The menu also contains all variations of dumplings from over the world: ravioli, dim sum, vareniki, manti, khinkali and many others. ?
Pelmenya, St. Petersburg (Aug 2019)
#visitstpetersburg #pelmenya #dumplings

5 / 10
on 29 Jul 2019

National chain of restaurants specialising in various forms of dumplings. Despite clearly industrialised food, all dumplings are well executed and very well tasting.

Recommended in Saint Petersburg


Fontanka river embankment, 25, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 191023


Open hours


+7 812 415-41-85

