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Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
Photo Views: 189
Restaurant Views: 3,114
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Foodle Reviews

on 09 Sep 2019

Dinner at Saint Petersburg’s most talked about and forward-thinking restaurant – KoKoKo restaurant&bar. Using traditional Russian products and flavors, Chef Igor Grishechkin takes an inventive and playful approach through his dishes. In a sense, the menu is traditional Russian food re-invented. We opted for the 11-course Classics tasting, which felt like a gastronomy theater. A meal here isn’t simply about food, but it’s the storytelling that makes it so compelling.
Cococo, St. Petersburg... More

6 / 10
on 29 Jul 2019

Cococo was created by Matilda Shnurova, a celebrity in Russian who then recruited Igor Grishechkin as Head Chef. It has an interesting dining room, as it is part of the Sofitel Hotel in the same building, so guests of the hotel use it as a bar and in the morning as a breakfast room.
We have had the "must eat" menu which displayed the classics of Chef Grishechkin. It consists of 4 snacks which come in two servings, 3 mains and 4 sweet dishes. For my taste too much sugar at the end.
The main were... More

Recommended in Saint Petersburg


Вознесенский пр-кт, 6, Санкт-Петербург, г. Санкт-Петербург, Russia, 190000


Open hours


+7 812 418-20-60

