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uRashiMa Pizza Kyōtango


Average rating from 1 meal 6 / 10
Photo Views: 3
Restaurant Views: 537
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Foodle Reviews

on 04 Oct 2023

Tiny pizza shop located in a small seaside town of Amino, Kyotango. Inside there is a 5-6 seats counter and a custom made oven shipped from Naples. Chef is passionate and extremely focused, making authentic Napoli pizza with fresh local ingredients. A must visit for anyone traveling to the area. •

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6 / 10
on 05 Dec 2022

In the middle of no where the Chef decided to open up a neighborhood pizza shop. And soon enough he ended up on the Top 10 Pizza list in Japan. Incredibly.
He has two pages of pizza variant, but we were five people so we let him do Omakase.
Classic Neapolitan style dough in a wood oven.

Recommended in Kyōtango


328 Aminochō Asamogawa, Kyōtango, Kyoto 629-3104, Japan


Open hours


+81 772-72-3798

