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Öz şanlı Urfa ciğercisiın Vahap usta İzmir


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Foodle Reviews

on 26 Feb 2020

Kebab shop at Öz Şanlı Urfa ciğercisi in Izmir. All locals, friendly hospitality, delicious meats and salad, and open since 1987 - the ingredients to a delicious meal.
Oz Sanli Urfa Cigercisi, Izmir (Sept 2019)
#izmir #ozsanliurfacigersi #turkey

Recommended in İzmir


Adalet Mahallesi, Öz şanlı Urfa ciğercisi, 2131/12. Sk. No36, 35510 Bayraklı/İzmir, Turkey


Open hours


+90 232 435 47 58