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Vyn Food & Wine bar Gislövhammar


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
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A casual and more intimate food & wine bar that complements our restaurant and serves lighter in-season dishes to the public and breakfast to the patrons of the hotel.

The atmosphere is relaxed and warm, and we offer you the option to drop in, but also the possibility to reserve a table if you want to make sure you get a seat.

The entire VYN works circularly, preferably locally with small producers, and we always try to reduce as much waste as possible. Therefore, our food & wine bar serves dishes based on the same ingredients as in the restaurant, but in a slightly different way.


Daniel Berlin



Foodle Reviews

7 / 10
on 03 Aug 2024

Casual dinner in the wine bar.

Recommended in Gislövhammar


Höga vägen 72, 272 92 Simrishamn, Sweden


Open hours