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Lympstone Manor Exmouth


Average rating from 1 meal 8 / 10
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Modern Cuisine

Foodle Reviews

8 / 10
on 18 Nov 2017

This is the first solo venture from Michael Caines having made his significant move away from Gidleigh Park where he held 2 Michelin stars for 16 years. Therefore, there has been much anticipation over the first Michelin verdict of Lympstone Manor and after the wait, it has been awarded a Michelin star on its first year of operation. My first visit here revealed a beautifully restored building; all rooms named after birds of the region and hand painted wall paper with a number of dining rooms... More

Recommended in Exmouth


Courtlands Ln, Exmouth EX8 3NZ, UK


+44 1395 202040

