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maiBeck Cologne


Average rating from 1 meal 7 / 10
Photo Views: 36
Restaurant Views: 2,071
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Jan Maier, Tobias Becker


Modern Cuisine, Country cooking

Foodle Reviews

on 23 Oct 2023

The temperatures & the leaves are falling.
At no other time of the year do I prefer to eat the stews that are now rarely offered in restaurants.
That's why I love coming to Maibeck, as the stew has been an integral part of the menu here since the beginning.
Spoonfuls of love!

Maibeck - ⭐️
Cologne, Germany
#miguelontour #mcculinarylife #youdinner #youdie #michelinrestaurant #maitre #mystorywithmichelin... More

7 / 10
on 26 Jul 2017

maiBeck FÜR DICH is a German restaurant, near the center of Koln, along the Rhein close to the cathedral.
We found it via the Michelin app where it showed us the the fairly cheap Michelin restaurant. Looking for lunch, we were a walk in this day. It seems like luck that day, since we have been to cologne 3 times after this visit and the restaurant have been fully booked each time since then.
Foodwise maiBeck FÜR DICH have an Italian inspiration on German cuisine. There were pasta dishes, which... More

Recommended in Cologne


Am Frankenturm 5, 50667 Köln, Germany


Open hours


+49 (221) 9626 7300

