Restaurant Views: 1,570
European Restaurants 2024, 301
- La Liste
La Liste, #941
- Restaurant Ranking
Restaurant Ranking 2024, #3080, PRO #16.00, USER #0.00
Pamela Brunton
Modern British
Foodle Reviews
Inver is trying to become a destination restaurant. In my view they are miles away from it and loads of things need to be changed before becoming one.
Don't get me wrong, the location is stunning, right on the sound overlooking a beautiful castle on the other side of the water. The house being nestled into the slope down to the water, their pods where you can sleep, well designed and welcoming. The dining room is warm and a vinyl record player giving you a nostalgic feeling.
However, the services... More
Inver is trying to become a destination restaurant. In my view they are miles away from it and loads of things need to be changed before becoming one.
Don't get me wrong, the location is stunning, right on the sound overlooking a beautiful castle on the other side of the water. The house being nestled into the slope down to the water, their pods where you can sleep, well designed and welcoming. The dining room is warm and a vinyl record player giving you a nostalgic feeling.
However, the services lacks the warmness you need to make guests, who went through considerable length to get there, feel welcome and home.
The food is hyperlocal, but execution lacks behind ambition. There were some good dishes there, like the halibut and the cockles but overall you not leaving with a deeply satisfied feeling. The wine pairing was done by the owner (his wife cooks in the kitchen), the wine list is dominated by natural wines and the owner has, to my dismay, a messianic approach to his wines.
This places has potential, loads of it, but it is not there yet, by far! Do I regret hiking up there, no not really, I am a curious person, but would go there again any time soon? Certainly not, unless I hear several reliable accounts of it being significantly better than the current version. Less
Stracthlachlan, Strachur PA27 8BU, UK
+44 1369 860537