Dinner at 丸長

Dinner at 丸長

at Maruchō (丸長 荻窪本店) on 17 February 2024
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えのき入つけそば / Enoki-iri Tsukesoba / Maruchō — Isesaki, Gunma

Tokyo style shoyu soup relies heavily on kombu, pork bones and gyokai, including katsuobushi. The noodles are house-made. Served with enoki mushrooms, negi, half ajitama and sesame seeds. Gyoza on the side.

Maruchō Isesaki is a Chinese restaurant, aside from ramen and tsukesoba there are a number of stir-fried Chūka style dishes on the menu. Part of the Maruchō Norenkai group, meaning direct relations to the original Maruchō which opened in Ogikubo, Tokyo in 1947. This is the only branch in Gunma Prefecture. 73 seats. Open since February 1966. @maruchou_isesaki